About Jordan Lavigne
With almost 10 years as an internal arts practitioner Jordan has fallen in love with the approach to physical and spiritual transformation that classical eastern arts and ancient wisdom traditions offer. Having studied several systems of qigong over many years, he has a simple and potent foundational set of practices he shares which can be applied easily for almost anyone with immense benefit. He focuses removing jargon around an effectively utilizing these simple practices in conjunction with yang sheng gong(life nourishing) principles to aid in embodying the transformative qualities as trained within various transformative methods from ancient wisdom traditions such as Daoism and Buddhism.
Jordan does not include himself in any religious sect or tradition, but instead focuses on seeing how various traditions applied this wisdom in order to create potential for healing and change for the better on all levels for every day people.
As an autodidact and avid learner from an early age he has explored many modern bodywork methods and neuroscience/physiology based approaches to somatic healing and self-regulation methods, but always found something lacking within modern approached when it came to achieving truly powerful and long lasting transformation. Although he appreciates the context that modern insight can give, he has a love for the deep wisdom shared by those who have embodied these classical teachings.
After seeking out the best teachers he could find who embodied what they teach and dedicating some years to developing foundations in these arts, Jordan found Dissolve Therapy founder Andy Mack.
What Jordan experienced was a deep resonance and appreciation for Andy’s approach to training, teaching and healing.
While Jordan continues to learn from and appreciate the teachings from various methods he has explored. He found a way of deepening the nature of his practice, as well as being of service to others with Dissolve Therapy.
The main goal of the path is to embody the teachings, and to be of service…an Dissolve is highly effective at developing a transformative level of mind-body harmony and cultivating the correct conditions mentally, physically and energetically to enhance people’s practices and personal lives.
Whether it be qigong/neigong, tai chi, yoga, meditation, prayer, breathwork or any other form of physical or spiritual practice, Jordan truly enjoys the process of sharing insight and understanding with others in order for them to get the most out of their practice.